Vía Verde de Ojos Negros II

The Greenway begins and finishes:
The Greenway begins:
Country: Spain
Region: Aragon
Locality: Albentosa - Limíte provincial con Castellón

The Greenway ends:
Country: Spain
Region: Aragon
Locality: Santa Eulalia (Teruel)

Description:Length :
92 km

Surfaces :
Hard and smooth

Users :
Reduced mobility person
Mountain bike
Horse riders

GreenWay Management Authority:Organization name: Gobierno de Aragón

Address: Edificio Pignatelli. Pº María Agustín
Postcode: 50071
City: Zaragoza
Phone: +34-976715438
Email: esierra@aragon.es
Web Address: www.aragon.es
Contact person:
Eva Sierra

Complementary Information:The province of Teruel is home to this Greenway running along the rail bed of the former Sierra Menera mining railway. It extends from the foothills of the Javalambre and Gúdar mountain ranges to the Jiloca valley, with plenty of surprises along the way.

Is a part of:
A non motorised path
A national network


Crossed zones: Santa Eulalia, Cella, Caudé, Teruel, Tortajada, Valdecebro, La Puebla de Valverde, Sarrión,Albentosa
Points of interest: Cascos urbanos de Sarrión y La Puebla de Valverde. Conjunto monumental de Teruel, declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Bosque mediterráneo: pinares, robledales y sabinares. Sierra del Toro, Javalambre y valles del Alfambra y Jiloca. Paisaje de cárcavas. Valle del Jiloca.

Association Européenne des Voies Vertes | C/ Santa Isabel, 44 - E 28012 Madrid | Tél.: + 34 91 151 10 98