Vía Verde del Tren de los 40 Días

The Greenway begins and finishes:
The Greenway begins:
Country: Spain
Region: Madrid
Locality: Carabaña

The Greenway ends:
Country: Spain
Region: Madrid
Locality: Estremera

Description:Length :
14 km

Surfaces :
Hard and smooth

Users :
Reduced mobility person

GreenWay Management Authority:Organization name: Comunidad de Madrid

Address: C/ Orense, 60
Postcode: 28020
City: Madrid
Phone: +34-915802818
Web Address: www.madrid.org
Contact person:
Belén de Diego, belen.dediego@madrid.org

Complementary Information:They say that this railway, also called the Negrín Line, was built during the Civil War in just forty days to supply Madrid, then under siege by Franco’s troops. It was a strategic railway with a fleeting life; today part of its route provides an escape from nearby Madrid and a pleasant walk or bike ride through the farmland southeast of the city.

Practical services:
Rest area

Is a part of:
A non motorised path
A national network


Crossed zones: Carabaña, Valdaracete, Estremera.
Points of interest: Iglesia de Estremera, Molinos del Tajuña. Campiña y páramo del sureste madrileño. Vegas del Tajuña y el Carrizales. Cuenca del Tajo. Cortados yesíferos.

Association Européenne des Voies Vertes | C/ Santa Isabel, 44 - E 28012 Madrid | Tél.: + 34 91 151 10 98