L 114 Soignies - Naast
The Greenway begins and finishes:
The Greenway begins:
Country: Belgium
Region: Walloon Region
Locality: Soignies - Square de Savoye

The Greenway ends:
Country: Belgium
Region: Walloon Region
Locality: Naast - avenue du chemin de fer

Description:Length :
2 km

Surfaces :
Hard and smooth

Users :
Reduced mobility person
Mountain bike

Remarks:This text is currently only available in its original language.

Au delà de la gare de Naast, possibilité de prolonger sur 1 km par l'avenue du Bois du sapin.

GreenWay Management Authority:Organization name: Ville de Soignies

Complementary Information:Is a part of:
A regional network


Association Européenne des Voies Vertes | C/ Santa Isabel, 44 - E 28012 Madrid | Tél.: + 34 91 151 10 98