Vía Verde de la Subbética (Aceite 2)

The Greenway begins and finishes:
The Greenway begins:
Country: Spain
Region: Andalusia
Locality: Límite provincial entre Jaén y Córdoba - Puente del río Guadajoz

The Greenway ends:
Country: Spain
Region: Andalusia
Locality: Córdoba - Las Navas del Sepillar

Description:Length :
56 km

Surfaces :
Hard and smooth
Soft ground (sand, grass, ashes, …)

Users :
Reduced mobility person
Mountain bike
Cross Country skier

GreenWay Management Authority:Organization name: Mancomunidad de Municipios de la Subbética

Address: Ctra. Carcabuey-Zagrilla. Km. 5,700
Postcode: 14810
City: Carcabuey
Phone: +34-957704106
Email: turismo@subbetica.org
Web Address: www.turismodelasubbetica.com
Contact person:
Catalina Molina

Complementary Information:"Subbética Greenway The Subbética Greenway runs for 58 km through the south of the province of Cordoba following the route of the old Olive Oil Train. Today this trail, between the river Guadajoz near the town of Luque and the village of Navas del Selpillar, allows cyclists and walkers to enjoy the beautiful landscapes of the Sierras Subbéticas Natural Park and the rich birdlife of the Laguna del Salobral Nature Reserve. The Greenway passes close to picturesque towns and villages, such as Luque, Zuheros, Doña Mencía, Cabra, and Lucena and is dotted with majestic castles and one or two mysterious caves. The prolongation of this route the province of Jaen will make an incredible 112 km long Greenway."

Practical services:
Rest area
Bicycle parking area

Is a part of:
A non motorised path
A national network


Crossed zones: Luque, Doña Mencía, Zuheros, Cabra y Lucena
Points of interest: Conjuntos urbanos de Luque, Zuheros, Doña Mencía, Cabra y Lucena. Parque Natural de las Sierras Subbéticas. Reserva Natural de la Laguna del Conde. Cueva de los murciélagos (Zuheros)

Association Européenne des Voies Vertes | C/ Santa Isabel, 44 - E 28012 Madrid | Tél.: + 34 91 151 10 98