Vía Verde de Préjano

The Greenway begins and finishes:
The Greenway begins:
Country: Spain
Region: La Rioja
Locality: Arnedillo

The Greenway ends:
Country: Spain
Region: La Rioja
Locality: Préjano

Description:Length :
5 km

Surfaces :
Gravelled road

Users :
Reduced mobility person
Mountain bike
Cross Country skier

GreenWay Management Authority:Organization name: Gobierno de La Rioja

Address: Prado Viejo 62 bis
Postcode: 26071
City: Logroño
Phone: +34-942291100
Fax: +34-941291302
Web Address: www.larioja.org
Contact person:
Patricia Ilundain , patricia.ilundain@larioja.org

Complementary Information:Greenways, so to speak, have sometimes children. This is the case of the Préjano Greenway, a short branch of the Cidacos Greenway running through an old mining train, tributary of the train running from Calahorra to Arnedillo.

Practical services:
Rest area

Is a part of:
A non motorised path
A national network


Crossed zones: Arnedillo y Préjano.
Points of interest: Casco urbano de Préjano. Yacimiento de Valdemurio (icnitas). Iglesia de San Servando y San Germán, diversas ermitas, puente del Cidacos, trujal de aceite, nevero y lavadero en Arnedillo.Valle del Cidacos. Pozas termales junto al río Cidacos en Arnedillo.

Association Européenne des Voies Vertes | C/ Santa Isabel, 44 - E 28012 Madrid | Tél.: + 34 91 151 10 98