Vía Verde del Tarazonica

Vía Verde del Tarazonica

The Greenway begins and finishes:
The Greenway begins:
Country: Spain
Region: Navarre
Locality: Tudela

The Greenway ends:
Country: Spain
Region: Aragon
Locality: Tarazona

Description:Length :
22 km

Surfaces :
Hard and smooth
Gravelled road

Users :
Reduced mobility person
Mountain bike
Cross Country skier

GreenWay Management Authority:Organization name: Mancomunidad de la Comarca

Address: Avda de la Paz, 6, Portal 8
Postcode: 50500
City: Tarazona
Phone: +34-976644640
Email: comarca@tarazonayelmoncayo.es
Web Address: www.tarazonayelmoncayo.es
Contact person:
Francisco José Lamata

Complementary Information:Tudela and Tarazona are two historic cities in Navarra and Aragón respectively that have been linked for centuries by a great many ties and, up until 30 plus years ago, by a train, El Tarazónica. Now we can follow its route on an interesting journey from the banks of the river Ebro to the foot of the Moncayo mountain, thanks to a newly created Greenway.

Practical services:
Rest area

Is a part of:
A non motorised path
A national network


Crossed zones: Provincia de Navarra: Tudela, Ablitas, Cascante, Barillas, Tulebras, Monteagudo.
Points of interest: Conjuntos monumentales de Tudela y Tarazona. Monasterio cisterciense de Tulebras. Museo del Agua de Malón. Valle del Queiles. Somontano del Moncayo. Parque Natural del Moncayo.

Association Européenne des Voies Vertes | C/ Santa Isabel, 44 - E 28012 Madrid | Tél.: + 34 91 151 10 98