Krakow-Moravia-Vienna Greenway
Krakow-Moravia-Vienna Greenway

La Voie Verte commence:
Pays: Pologne
Région: Région du sud
Localité: Krakow

La Voie Verte se termine:
Pays: Autriche
Région: Vienne
Localité: Wien

Autres régions traversées:
Silésie (République tchèque)
Sud-est (République tchèque)

Description:Longueur :
780 km

Revêtement :
Dur et lisse (asphalte, béton, enrobé)
Sol meuble (sable, herbe, cendrée, …)

Usagers :
Vélos tout terrain

Remarques:La Voie Verte Cracovie-Moravie-Vienne est une ancienne route qui s'appuie sur un réseau de pistes cyclables, de routes de randonnée, de chemins de hallage et autres chemins thématiques. La route principale de la voie verte est une piste cyclable de 780 km présentant les richesses historiques, naturelles et culturelles d'Europe centrale. A partir de Cracovie, en passant par la vallée de l'Oswiecim, la région de Pszczyna, l'itinéraire traverse les montagnes arborées de la chaîne des Beskydy, suit les vallées de l'Oder et de la Be?va, et après un passage par les vignobles de Moravie du Sud et d'Autriche il arrive à Vienne. Les partenaires et les populations locales participent aux replantage d'espèces locales d'arbres tout le long de l'itinéraire. A terme, la Voie Verte Cracovie-Moravie-Vienne deviendra la plus longue allée arborée d'Europe.

Organisme de gestion de la voie verte :Nom de l'organisme: Milos Hotar

Addresse: Nadace Partnerství, Udolni 33, 602 00 Brno
Code postal: 602 00
Localité: Krakow, Vienna
Téléphone: +420-515903121
Site internet:

Informations complémentaires:Ce texte est actuellement uniquement disponible dans sa langue originale.

The Krakow-Moravia-Vienna trail joins nature reserves, historical destinations and people, across three countries of Poland, Czech Republic and Austria. Predominantly it is very easy riding on flat terrain or rolling hills with only a handful of steep hills. The region is rich in cultural, natural and historical destinations as some towns are included on the UNESCO World Heritage List, eg, Krakow, Oswiecim or Olomouc. Also many castles dot the route. The trail commences in the former royal Polish capital of Krakow which is the most picturesque and historic city in the country. Continues past the town of Oswiecim, better known as Auschwitz, the renowned NAZI concentration camp. Passes through eastern edge of Czech Republics’ Moravia region that includes historical towns such as Štramberk, Olomouc and Brno or the nature reserve of Moravian Karst region with some of the best caves in Europe to visit. The Czech/Austrian border is a vast wine-growing region with plenty of vineyards and wine cellars to visit. Vienna, the former Austro-Hungarian Empires capital city, is the end of the trail and has plenty of monuments, palaces and some good trails to enjoy along the Danube River. Traditions of small breweries and beer production along the trail (famous centres of beer production in Brno, Prerov, Cieszyn, Zywiec, Tychy, etc.) Historical places and memories of K.U.K. Austria - which are in fashion nowadays - historical places and events related to the Franc Jozef, art, architecture, kitchen of that times Available maps and guidebooks (English or only in local language) “Greenways Krakow-Morava-Wien v Moravskoslezském kraji – 1:75 000” map by Region Poodří. “Cyklistická stezka Brno – Víden/Radweg Brno-Wien 1:75 000” map by Sdružení Cyklistická stezka Brno – Víden, a series of 6 maps. Laa an der Thaya to Wien trail is covered by “Radkarte Wein Viertel Ost 1:75 000” published by Weinviertel Tourismus GmbH. Goals and ambitious: o Longest alley of fruit trees in Europe o Publish guide book about the entire trail in 3-4 languages o Unified signposting and amenities along the entire Greenways o Improved safety in cities and towns o Increase Travel with a cause o Development of tourist product with local partners and municipalities o Certification of Bicyclist Welcome establishments Events/Opportunities on this Greenway 2007: 21.4. Earth day on Greenways 5.5. Opening of Brno-Vienna Greenways – bicycle ride for public 18.-20.5. organization of National cycle conference with field trip on new Greenways Odra-Morava-Danube (EuroVelo 9) 16.-22.9. European Greenway Day during the European Mobility Week in Brno 29. Closing of the season – bicycle ride for public

Services pratiques:
Aires de repos
Aires de pique-nique
Locations de vélos
Parkings pour vélos
Points d'informations

Appartient à:
Un réseau national


Largeur: 3 m
Pente moyenne: 4%
Numéros de services d'urgence: 112

Association Européenne des Voies Vertes | C/ Santa Isabel, 44 - E 28012 Madrid | Tél.: + 34 91 151 10 98